Early Accommodation Placements

There is an early placement process for students with documented housing accommodations. The following communication was sent out from the Accommodation Office on 11/25/24 to eligible students:

Subject: Early Housing Assignment Access for Students with Accommodations

You are receiving this email because our records indicate that you have active housing accommodations. In order to ensure that students with housing accommodations have access to the spaces they need for next school year (2025-2026), we are starting the process of securing housing assignments now. If you plan to utilize your housing accommodations for the next academic year, please read the instructions below, and follow the link to the Google Form. 

If you do NOT plan to live in campus housing or use your housing accommodations next year, please reply to this email and let me know so that we can take you off the list (and you won’t keep getting these emails.)

Securing Your Housing Assignment

To ensure that we are able to meet your living space accommodation needs, we are asking  you to share your housing preferences ahead of the general student population. We will do our best to use this information to match you into a space that best supports your residential living experience at Hastings College. 

Here is the timeline and process:

Monday, November 25, 2024 - Early access begins for students with documented housing accommodation needs. 

Please use this form to preference a Fall 25 housing choice, select your meal plan (if required) and note any roommate(s) requests.  If you have a roommate preference, they can also submit via this early access form and we will place you together.  All parties will need to have completed the form and uploaded all documentation prior to the December 6th deadline to be placed early. 

Friday, December 6, 2024 - Deadline for all early accommodation applications.

As housing is limited, if you choose not to participate in this early access timeline, your next access date will be with the  rest of campus and we can not guarantee your preferred placement. 

If you have any questions about this process or your accommodations, please contact Megan Launchbaugh (megan.launchbaugh@hastings.edu).