Room Change Process
Here’s what you need to know:
Every student has the ability and choice to select housing for which they are qualified on a first-come, first served basis, once a week from now until the portal closes.
Everyone who has already selected a room for next year is eligible to participate in the online room change process and you can change assignments as often as you would like each week.
Additional rooms will continue to become available as people change assignments, get off-campus status, as first year class numbers are finalized, etc. Available rooms will reset in the system every Wednesday at 9am. Checking weekly will give you the best opportunity to change your assignment.
If you have a roommate and want to stay with them in a new placement, they’ll also need to go through the room change process at the same time as you do - you can’t ‘bring them along with you’ - see item 9 below. IMPORTANT!
The Room Change Process is only available to students who already have a placement - if you haven’t yet gone through and signed your contract and selected an assignment, you need to start there once the portal reopens.
Here’s what you need to do to select a different room: (guide w/ screenshots here)
Go to Housing SelfService (a computer works better for this than a mobile device) - make sure you’ve cleared your cache and use your HC email and password to log in.
Make sure you’ve already selected somewhere to live and have signed the contract!
Click on Room/Roommate Selection
Click Select Room/Suite
Click the Dropdown and Select ‘Returning Student Room Change’ under Selection Process
Click Continue
Click Select from Room List
Look for and select available rooms.
If you already have a roommate and both want to switch rooms, you’ll each need to do this process simultaneously if possible (sit next to each other or via phone) and then, when you’ve identified a room - each of you select one of the available beds separately in that room and save.